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Heterologous expression of hen egg white lysozyme and resonance assignment of tryptophan side chains in its non-native states.

TitleHeterologous expression of hen egg white lysozyme and resonance assignment of tryptophan side chains in its non-native states.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSchlörb C, Ackermann K, Richter C, Wirmer J, Schwalbe H
JournalJ Biomol NMR
Date PublishedOct
Accession Number78

A new protocol is described for the isotope (15N and 13C,15N) enrichment of hen egg white lysozyme. Hen egg white lysozyme and an all-Ala-mutant of this protein have been expressed in E. coli. They formed inclusion bodies from which mg quantities of the proteins were purified and prepared for NMR spectroscopic investigations. 1H,13C and 15N main chain resonances of disulfide reduced and S-methylated lysozyme were assigned and its residual structure in water pH 2 was characterized by chemical shift perturbation analysis. A new NMR experiment has been developed to assign tryptophan side chain indole resonances by correlation of side chain and backbone NH resonances with the Cgamma resonances of these residues. Assignment of tryptophan side chains enables further residue specific investigations on structural and dynamical properties, which are of significant interest for the understanding of non-natives states of lysozyme stabilized by hydrophobic interactions between clusters of tryptophan residues.
