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Chemical synthesis of 13C-labelled monomers for the solid-phase and template controlled enzymatic synthesis of DNA and RNA oligomers

TitleChemical synthesis of 13C-labelled monomers for the solid-phase and template controlled enzymatic synthesis of DNA and RNA oligomers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsQuant S, Wechselberger RW, Wolter MA, W, Schell P, Engels JW, Griesinger C, Schwalbe H
JournalTetrahedron Lett
Pagination6649 - 6651
Date Published1994/9/5/
Accession Number12

The preparation of 13C-labelled ribonucleosides starting from [13C6]-glucose 1 and the corresponding nucleobases 5a-e or 6a-e (N6-benzoyl-adenine, N2-acetyl-guanine, N4-benzoyl-cytosine, uracil and thymine) in 47 - 66% overall yield is described. Their subsequent transformation into 5'-O-dimethoxytrityl protected DNA-phosphoramidites and 5'-O-dimethoxytrityl-2'-O-trialkylsilyl protected RNA-phosphor-amidites for the solid phase synthesis of DNA- and RNA-oligomers and to 5'-O-ribo- and deoxyribo-nucleosidetriphosphates for template controlled enzymatic synthesis (polymerase- or reverse transcriptase reaction) has been carried out.